Friday, December 6, 2013

We PROUDLY present...

Hello! Let me introduce myself, if we haven't already met. My name is Colleen and I am the newest addition to Ruthie's Eyes.  I have been working with Ruthie for the past two years but this past summer I made the decision (along with Ruthie) to join Ruthie's Eyes exclusively. It has been a great decision so far and I am so excited to grow along side Ruthie's Eyes.

How did I get to where I am today? It was a long road with lots of twists and turns, but it all happened for a reason.  I graduated college with a degree in pharmaceutical sciences in 2008 and found myself looking for any position that degree would find me. I ended up working for two different pharmaceutical companies over those years, involved mostly  in quality control. Basically, a Monday through Friday 9-5, dressed in full lab attire, in a lab all day type of job.  I quickly realized that wasn't for me!  At the time though, it seemed to be my only option, so I stuck with it. 

My husband and I were married in 2010 and soon after found out we were expecting. This was a very exciting time for us, but I began immediately thinking about where I would be working after he was born. I couldn't see myself leaving the baby to go to a job I wasn't happy at every day.  I thought, there has to be a better career for me, a place I can look forward to going everyday. After lots of discussion and planning, I decided to get my esthetician license. I had a background in cosmetics from college, I enjoyed working with people one on one, and I love all things skin care. 

Turns out, it was a perfect match. It allowed me to have a flexible schedule and be home with my son as much as I could.   I quickly found a job working alongside a dermatologist and I learned more there about the skin than any of my previous educations.  I also had another baby boy soon after and found myself being so thankful for the career move that I made that previous year.  While working at the dermatologist office, I also started working with Ruthie. I had so many questions for her regarding her career and her business. Soon after, She taught me all about makeup, and the many types of makeup applications. I started doing wedding applications when she needed me and I loved it. 

Helping brides look their best on the most important day of their lives is so much fun!  Wedding mornings are such an important and fun memory from your wedding day and I love being a part of them.

Joining Ruthie's Eyes full time has been a wonderful decision and I can't wait to see where this road takes me. Hope to see you in the studio soon!

My guys - Finn and Kai

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