Monday, April 7, 2014

Wedding Season Wears

It's officially wedding season and I'm sure most of you are also finding all of your fridge magnets filled with shower and wedding invites for the spring and summer!  I always try to make the most of what's in my closet by re-wearing dresses and just adding new accessories or shoes to change it up...but this year I am on the hunt for a few new dresses to add to the mix.

I usually do a lot of shopping at Urban Outfitters and H&M, but I recently discovered more online stores like Asos (they happen be be having a sale up to 70% off) and Mod Cloth. Their dresses are anywhere from $20 to $100 but mostly in the lower end. There are a ton to choose from.

Here are just a few that caught my eye just because of how easily they could be re-worn with a different shoe or jewelry to create an entire new look:

And this amazing dress which I just love because it's a little different than what I would usually wear:

After you complete your look for the next shower or wedding, be sure to remember to put your best face forward and stop into Ruthie's Eyes for any pre-party skincare and makeup applications!


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